Friday, January 6, 2012

Where We Go From Here

I didn't write a New Year Post.  Just didn't feel up to it.  It's been a month since we lost Poco.  It's been an adjustment for this family, all home that morning. 

For Bob it's also been an adjustment.  Time with the horses was minimal during the holidays as we met family and social commitments.  As the end of the holidays rolled around I found Bob to be a horse I didn't recognize.  He spooked at a moment's notice, blasting out of his loafing shed in record time when I walked in off of the barn to feed him.  When I was able to touch him, his skin would quiver nervously, barely able to stand still, always looking around for what might scare him.  It worried me.

I brought out his curry comb and tried to brush him while he ate.  Initially he'd move away from me.  As the days went by he stood still and today I'm able to touch and move around him again without any issues.

And that's a good thing because Bob and I have plans.  It's time to go back to work.  We haul out to start lessons next Monday with my Frainer (friend and trainer).  We've signed up for a sorting practice the following week.  We've got places to go and things to do.

I once again greet Gus with the same, "Hi Gussie" as I used to. 

Gus is lonely.  He has always lived here with other horses and you can tell he doesn't understand why he's alone.  I know that Gus isn't a bad horse and I know that horses sometimes kick, especially when there is food in the proximity.  It doesn't excuse what happened, it's just the fact.

Gus is the kind of horse that cannot share a confined feeding area with other horses; however, does fine in a field where they all have space.  These are things I should have thought about when I put Poco in with Gus to share that large stall.

Where we go from here...we will be making some changes.  Just as others are doing, we are re-defining our priorities. 

As spring approaches we will be looking for a good home for Gus.  It's important to us (and part of our responsibility as horse owners) to ensure Gus goes to the best home we can find.  The type of home I'd like to see him go to will be one that has pasture space where he can co-exist with other horses without conflict. 

My husband has expressed an interest in riding and taking lessons.  Our goal will be to have two saddle horses here at home.  Bob and a replacement for Poco.  This will allow us to haul our horses with us on weekends without having to still leave someone back at home and deal with the hassle of feeding arrangements, etc.  It will have a positive impact on not only our budget but our pastures.

Where we go from here has taken some time to determine and on all accounts it's not going to be easy.  But I think in the end, it's the right trail for us to take.


  1. It appears after soul searching you are headed towards a very sensible path that will bring enjoyment to all concerned. So happy to hear your hubby has interest in joining in the fun of riding, you will both love it for so many reasons!

    As far as Bob, I'm sure he felt the situation and perhaps what follows. I also think time away from our horses brings uneasiness for both equine and most humans. Thankfully it dissipates quickly.

    Looking forward to hearing about your lessons and adventures with Bob. Great way to start out the new year! Wishing you a happy 2012!!

  2. Sounds like a fantastic plan! I know it will be sad to say goodbye to Gus but it sounds like that's for the best. It will be so much easier for you to deal with only two horses. :)
